Hello! its been ages since my last News post but I figured it was due time to catch everyone up with things so lets brake it down in parts.
Game Development:
For those of you who may think i've given up on animation and art in general, I haven't. Though I can understand why you might THINK I have.. I've been animating every day for a game that's been in the works for years now. That game is nightmare cops. (heres the trailer incase you missed it)
We slowed down a little because of Covid but we've picked back up pace and are crackin stuff out on the regular so updates are inbound!
Art courtesy of lead art director from Nightmare Cops JohnnyUtah
If you wanna know more about Nightmare Cops You can follow the account here. Dont wanna reveal to much but it'll feel like a old school beat-em-up flash game with emphasis on coop and bosses. Its super visceral, fast and fun!
Other Animations:
These are mostly just for collabs but i've done a entry for nearly every NG collab that has come out in the last few years (Dragonball, Smash, Final Fantasy) so be sure to check those out if you haven't because there mostly just overly horny and one might as well be porn lol
Voiced in the Elon Jam as well for Sevi and JohnnyUtahs toons!
Also did some voice work for others but man i'm to fucking lazy to post it, its prob in my flash movies or something
if you wanna see.
Iv'e also recently started a Band, The Third-Rates!
We actually just released are debut Album "See what sticks" Streaming practically everywhere (also here on NG!)
Here's the Trailer!
This album was put together DIY style so its not overproduced or as professional as some others might be but we wanted to get some fun and goofy songs out there with plenty of variety in songs to emphasis are style.
a lot of talented people helped put this together so hopefully you like it ( or fucking hate it if you dont like ska lol )
If you get around to it, please give it a listen!
THE FUTURE Art and Animation:
If anyone remembers I released a MV of the Reel Big Fish song "I know you to well to like you anymore" Back then that gave me a surprising boon in views and attention but it also came with the caveat of copyright issues so I had to take it down on here for legal reasons. REGARDLESS I'm working some more MV's for are bands new songs that I hope you'll enjoy.
Just like before it'll prob be too horny for YT so expect a NG debut!
As far as art goes, Follow my Here because I post sketches on occasion but I plan on getting some art on here sooner rather than later. ALso, I'm on there like 24/7 Actually one of the reasons I haven't been posting much stuff is because its mostly "Nintendo" themed and they are buttholes when it comes to adult themed stuff so.. I cant exactly update with that sorta stuff.
Anyway thats how im doing, How are you?