Wooo, glad to see your doing well, man. I hope your shreding on that red trombone on one of these tracks. World can always use a bit of your positivity.
I Animate offline, but sometimes I return..sometimes.
Age 34, Male
a house
Joined on 3/18/09
Wooo, glad to see your doing well, man. I hope your shreding on that red trombone on one of these tracks. World can always use a bit of your positivity.
lmao the red trombone sounds like shit in general its meant more for testing,
I used a Yamaha to record the trombone for the album, but its prob not the end of the red trombone
Spazkid active on NG, Pico in a game on the front page... what year is it?
i love a good spazkid newspost on a friday afternoon, still pumped for nightmare bops
Glad you're still goin mate. I'm looking forward to nightmare cops. also sick that youre making music as well. it's got a good sound.
The album came out so good man, shit's stuck in my head
Its pretty impressive how many different types of art you have your hands in. You're one of the hardest working guys in the game. Great job Cory
It has been a whiiile indeed! Welcome back Spaz! Prolific as ever too.
And I'm doin' alright, thanks for asking. Pleasantly surprised by this here post currently.
Doin well man, finishing up commissions. I was listening to your album the other day while working, it's awesome how fast you guys cranked that out in comparison to other start up musicians who take way too long in post production, and it sounds dope. Excited to see future prospects, especially the horny stuff.
Excited to see more stuff from you! Love the music too!
Ooh, looks smooth and stylistic. I'm excited to see what you come up with :)
It's good to see your still around mate, I kinda also thought you disappeared and I was a little sad, but clearly not. Ever since Powertrip I knew that you would do very well for yourself, and I'm glad you at least still have ongoing projects among other things. I was afraid your talents of drawing and making attractive characters just disappeared. Hope your doing well and I'm glad to know everything has been doing good. Hope things go well mate
CLASSIC reel big fish animation
Ram ranch really rocks
Damn dude, some of those songs are actually really fucking catchy. Good stuff.
you're fat.
I love you Cory borealis
h,ow do i get back at mother witohut shoveing pizza crusts up my ass
damn it fulp
Please open your Private Messages. I'm looking to getting a commission.
Glad to see you're well and active, Cory :). It's really awesome to see what you're up to, I'm still really excited for the eventual release of Nightmare Cops whenever that happens. Was also wondering what happened to your animated video for RBF's I Know You Too Well To Like You Anymore on here, I had a feeling it was due to copyright issues since one of Krinkels' videos suffered that same fate but I'm really glad you cleared it up in this post. Your music work also rocks, just sayin'!
thankyou! Yeah I wanted to keep it up but you cant fight legal battles with music industries. You kinda just have to accept that, its the way it is.
Also I think they officially own the uncensored version because I gave it to them, not sure if its even viewable it was so long ago..